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St Oliver Plunkett's Primary School, Ballyhagan

Board of Governors

The newly constituted Board of Governors for 2024-2028 are; 

Mr. Michael Lee (Chairperson) (Trustee)

Mrs. Clare Waters (Vice-Chairperson) (Trustee)

Mr. Barry Murphy (Trustee)

Fr. Paul Murphy (Chaplain) (Trustee)

An tUas. A. Ó Duibh (DENI Rep)

Mrs. D. Hamill (EA Rep)

Mr. E. McNeill (EA Rep)

Mrs. S Fearon (Teacher Rep)

Mrs. A. Knox (Parents' Rep)

Mr. S O'Hanlon (Co-Opted Member)

Mr. S Galvin (Principal)


All governors have read and signed declarations stating that they will live up to the principles of the attached documents below.