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St Oliver Plunkett's Primary School, Ballyhagan

Sports Day A Massive Success Yet Again

4th Jun 2024

In what was somewhat of an up and down day weather wise, we managed to still get through all four rotations of our ever popular sports day events and the pupils all had a wonderful day enjoying their fun games. The team leaders from KS2 displayed their great leadership qualities yet again in pairing up with our younger pupils and ensuring they were kept safe, active and engaged throughout the day and everyone can be very proud of their efforts. A huge word of thanks to all the team at SOPPS for helping make it such a wonderful day and especially to Mr. Cullen and Coach Conan for setting up the events. 

And finally, to top the day off we were delighted to see Harry's Ice-Cream Van visit the school so that everyone could enjoy a nice cool treat in the afternoon. All in all this was yet another one of those wonderful SOPPS days for all the boys and girls to enjoy and remember.