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St Oliver Plunkett's Primary School, Ballyhagan

Shared Education Gosford Trip

18th Sep 2023
Our P5, P6 and P7 classes enjoyed a fabulous trip to Gosford Forest Park today to launch our 2023/24 Shared Education programme with our partners in Derryhale P.S.

The pupils all enjoyed a mixture of ice-breaker games, forest orienteering trail, free time in the park and a fun game of rounders to help them get to know their classmates from Derryhale in a fun, relaxing and physically active way. We want to say a special word of thanks to Dave from Sustrans who came along to help set up the Orienteering trail and for taking time out of his busy schedule to work with us today. 

Next up we will have trips for each of our groups based around our shared and aligned WAU lessons. Stay tuned for more pictures in due course.