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St Oliver Plunkett's Primary School, Ballyhagan

Pupils Perform Heroics at Academy Blitz

23rd May 2024
Our boys' and girls' 7 a-side panels travelled the short distance to St. Patrick's Academy this morning to participate in the annual primary schools' blitz.
Played in blustery but thankfully dry conditions, the pupils performed brilliantly on an individual and collective level.
Our girls came out victorious in winning their tournament having not lost a single game. They played brilliantly throughout the day and were very worthy winners to help finish off their year on a high. 
The boys also played their hearts out and competed in the final against a very strong St. Mary's PS, Laghey. Unfortunately, with only one kick of the ball separating the two teams at the final whistle, we lost out in the end but all of the boys can be very proud of their skill, determination and fabulous effort.
On an individual level, both Cara and Ollie were recognised for their outstanding personal performances and both lifted the respective Player of the Tournament awards. 
This was a fitting end to a brilliant year for the two panels and we extend out heartfelt gratitude to the Davitt's for their continued support and of course all at the Academy for the invitation.