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St Oliver Plunkett's Primary School, Ballyhagan

P1 Learning During May (and some pirate fun!)

31st May 2024

During Term 3, the Primary 1 pupils have been busy little Pirates as part of our last topic.
As it was May, we celebrated the Month of Mary. The children learned a song and we made a class May Alter.

For our topic work, pupils have dressed up as pirates, made treasure chests, designed treasure maps, created their own pirate names and have made an array of pirates, pirate swords and pirates ships using construction toys.

The children have used Numicon to add a little maths to our pirate play. They have also been on a treasure hunt for words and numbers in our treasure tray.
Alongside this we have enjoyed the nice weather with some outdoor play. We have been working hard with our addition work, patterns, reading  and on building and writing sentences.
Have a look at our pictures and video to see our busy pirates in action.