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St Oliver Plunkett's Primary School, Ballyhagan

Myra Zepf Visit.

7th Feb 2018

Primary 6 and Primary 7 were delighted to be chosen from over 126 applications from schools all over Northern Ireland, to take part in the Head Over Heels Creative Writing Programme. This programme is facilitated by Queen's University Belfast and is led by Myra Zepf, Northern Ireland’s Children's Writing Fellow and novelist.

The Head Over Heels Creative Writing Programme is designed to encourage the children to think and write creatively. Following the brainstorming session that Myra held in school, the children were set the task of writing a creative and imaginative story which will be forwarded to Myra. Myra will read all of the stories and her and her team will choose the stories that they think are the most creative and imaginative. The writers of these stories will be invited to Seamus Heaney's home place where an illustrator will illustrate the winning story. Good luck P6/7!