Access Keys:

St Oliver Plunkett's Primary School, Ballyhagan

Ádh-Mór ar Ard Mhacha!`

25th Jul 2024

You'd have to be living under rock to not have sensed and experienced the wonderful build up in hype and excitement for Sunday's eagerly anticipated All-Ireland show down between Armagh and Galway. The county is awash with flags, bunting and signs all wishing Armagh the very best and yesterday saw a large crowd turn out at the Davitt's to wish not only Ballyhegan's very own Peter McGrane, but all his teammates on the Armagh panel, the very best for the big game.
On behalf of everyone at the school we want to wish Peter and all his teammates the best of luck for Sunday's final and no matter the outcome, we are all very proud of our hugely successful past-pupil and what the county has achieved thus far. 
Whilst the school is currently closed for the summer holidays, we were nonetheless delighted to have celebrated our annual Armagh Day recently before the Ulster Final and the pics below show the fabulous colour and excitemet that was on display that day. We have also decked our school out in the orange and white as shown and hope to keep these flags up on display to welcome Sam back to Ballyhegan early next week!
Safe travels to all those who have been lucky enough to get their hands on coveted tickets for Sunday's showdown. Go n-éirí an bóthar leat a Pheadar a chara agus ní thig linn fanacht le Corn Sam Mhig Uidhir a fheiceáil ar ais sa scoil gan mhoill!