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St Oliver Plunkett's Primary School, Ballyhagan

Busy Bees in P1

28th Sep 2018

P1 pupils are continuing to learn through play. They are now enjoying playing in the Resource Area where they can explore messy play.

Pupils had access to paint and various drawing materials. They also got to investigate capacity in the water tray, make tracks in the sand and manipulate the play dough into different shapes and creations. Pupils used magnifying glasses in the Autumn Tuff Tray to investigate autumn leaves, conkers, horse chestnut shells and different size/shaped twigs.

In the outside area we played in the outdoor sand house and in our baby clinic where the children enjoyed looking after their dolls. As part of our WAU work we have been learning about the Five Senses. We went on a Sound and Sight Walk to see what things we could hear and see around our school. The children completed a checklist to record findings.